Writing for the Teleprompter
Whether you are preparing an intro for a show you want to host, a public service announcement for an event or nonprofit organization you want to promote, or a promo for an upcoming program on AFTV, there are some key things to keep in mind as you prepare a script to load into the Teleprompter. Here are just a few:
Write for the ear, not the eye! Your sentences should be written in a conversational style
Keep your sentences and phrases short enough so you can breathe!
Periods and commas are difficult to see on the prompter, so…
Start each sentence as a new paragraph
Use ellipses instead of commas. The ‘…’ gives a much clearer indication of a pause… and a chance to breathe… than the ‘,’
Include phonetic spelling for difficult to pronounce words and names. The phonetics should be inside parentheses immediately following the word or name whose pronunciation is unclear.
Don’t use abbreviations; write our the full word: “Representative,” not “Rep.” and “Street,” not “St.”
Read your copy aloud after you’ve written it, and make sure it sounds comfortable and conversational. Get familiar with the script before you go into the studio.
Speak to the camera like it is one person that you know and like.
And call us for any other scripting tips and assistance. We look forward to working with you!