The Frame
Latest Episode
Upcoming Airdates
- Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 12:00pm
- Tuesday, March 25, 2025 | 7:00pm
- Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | 12:00pm
- Wednesday, March 26, 2025 | 7:00pm
- Thursday, March 27, 2025 | 12:00pm
This week on The Frame: Mayor Sisitsky advises that the plan to build a new community center has hit a setback due to a lack of federal funding, a special permit to build a three-story residential building by Waushakum Pond is denied by the Zoning Board of Appeals, and a look at Framingham’s Troop [ . . . ]
Esta semana no The Frame: O prefeito Sisitsky informa que o plano de construir um novo centro comunitário sofreu um revés devido à falta de financiamento federal, uma licença especial para construir um prédio residencial de três andares perto do Lago Waushakum foi negada pelo Conselho de Apelações [ . . . ]
This week on The Frame: discussions begin on Framingham Public Schools’ annual budget, nurses at Framingham Union Hospital look to “reset” their relationship with management amid union contract negotiations, and a highlight on the local suffrage movement in recognition of Women’s History Month.
All [ . . . ]
Esta semana no The Frame: começam as discussões sobre o orçamento anual das Escolas Públicas de Framingham, enfermeiras do Framingham Union Hospital buscam "reiniciar" seu relacionamento com a gerência em meio a negociações de contrato sindical e um destaque no movimento sufragista local em [ . . . ]
Esta semana no The Frame: um protesto 50501 acontece no centro da cidade, o National Museum of Mental Health Project destaca as contribuições locais para o assunto e um destaque para o time de luta livre feminino vencedor do campeonato estadual da Framingham High School.
Tudo isso no The Frame [ . . . ]
This week on The Frame: a 50501 protest takes place downtown, the National Museum of Mental Health Project highlights local contributions to the subject, and a spotlight on Framingham High School’s state championship-winning girls wrestling team.
All of that on The Frame: Framingham News in Focus