The Frame
Latest Episode
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TV SchedulesCurrently, there are no air dates scheduled for this episode.
TV SchedulesThis week on The Frame: the School Committee and City Council vote on a proposed contract to acquire school buses as efforts continue to bring drivers in-house, work begins on an expansion to Framingham’s Logan Express garage, and the city hosts its annual tree lighting ceremony in front of the [ . . . ]
This week on The Frame: the City Council continues discussions on the ongoing bus driver shortage and MBTA zoning plans, speed mitigation measures along Edgebrook Road are approved, and a look at the “Views of Framingham” exhibit on display at the city’s main library.
All of that on The Frame [ . . . ]
Esta semana no The Frame: Framingham homenageia sua comunidade militar passada e presente com a cerimônia do Dia dos Veteranos, o MassDOT oferece uma atualização sobre o projeto de intercâmbio 495-90 e discussões com cineastas antes do Access Film Fest inaugural no sábado.
Tudo isso no The Frame [ . . . ]
This week on The Frame: Framingham honors its past and present military community with its Veterans Day ceremony, MassDOT offers an update on the 495-90 interchange project, and discussions with filmmakers ahead of the inaugural Access Film Fest on Saturday.
All of that on The Frame: Framingham [ . . . ]
This week on The Frame: Unofficial results from Tuesday's election are in, the City Council continues their MBTA Communities Act Hearing, and Route 9 is set for a closure this weekend. Plus: a look at A Common Thread Theatre Company ahead of their performances in Framingham.
All of that on The Frame [ . . . ]
Esta semana no The Frame: Os resultados não oficiais da eleição de terça-feira foram divulgados, a Câmara Municipal continua sua audiência sobre a Lei das Comunidades MBTA e a Rota 9 está marcada para ser fechada neste fim de semana. E mais: uma olhada na A Common Thread Theatre Company antes de [ . . . ]