Contact Us:
Access Framingham wants to hear from you!
We appreciate your comments, questions, suggestions and complaints.
Please complete the form at the bottom of this page or send an email to info@accessfram.tv requesting to be added to the email list to receive updates on what is happening at Access Framingham.
E-Mail: info@accessfram.tv
Telephone: 508-875-5434
Fax: 508-875-1846
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2884 Framingham, MA 01703
Street Address: 4 Vernon Street, Framingham, MA 01701
Complaints: If you see program content that violates AFTV Policies and Procedures, please be specific. Clarify the violation, when and where it occurred, and use the Complaint Form. If possible, include a snapshot of the violating image. Sign your name and include your contact information. All complaints will be carefully reviewed, measured against applicable law, policies and standards. For more about the complaint or grievance process, please see the Member Policies and Procedures.